Thursday, 3 May 2012

IIT answer sheets to be posted online

New Delhi: IIT aspirants will now get to see their evaluated answer scripts of the Joint Entrance Examination even before the result is declared on May 18. IIT Delhi, which organized JEE on April 8 this year, has decided to upload the checked optical response sheets of every candidate on the JEE website. The sheets will be available online only for six days from May 5 to May 10. 
    During this time, candidates can go through the evaluation and point out any discrepancy or error in checking. IITD will consider all complaints and update scores, if required, before preparing the fi
nal merit list. This is for the first time that IITs will show evaluated ORS to candidates. “It is possible that sometimes the scanner might not read an answer if the candidate has not filled the response bubble completely. Candidates can go through their optical reader sheets and if they do not find the evaluation satisfactory, they can lodge a complaint online,” said Professor R Shevgaonkar, director, IIT Delhi. Nearly 4.8 lakh candidates had appeared in JEE this year. Since JEE is held in two parts, each candidate had two ORS which will now be uploaded. A candidate can access the ORS using his or her date of birth and registration number. 
    The administration will consider an answer only if the response bubble has been dar
kened more than half. IITD officials also clarified that there will be no scope for changing the answers as the ORS will be uploaded only as an image. Also, there will be no scope for questioning the answer keys or the evaluation process. “This facility will enable students to highlight any technical glitches. They’ll know the marks scored for each question. Representatives of all IITs will meet after May 10 and the revision process will be carried out between May 11 and May 14. Te updated responses will be reflected in the ORS by May 15,” said JEE chairperson Professor G B Reddy. The ranks will be clear only on May 18.

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