Friday, 26 July 2013


Admission system overhauled apparently in bid to reduce burden on students and make school-leaving results (Board marks) matter 
    A two-step admission process followed: The JEE main and the JEE Advanced 
    Top 1,50,000 of those who qualified in JEE Main took JEE Advanced 
    The JEE Advanced gives you chance at getting into one of the 16 IITs. Total 9,885 seats 
    Those who didn’t make it to JEE Advanced stood a chance to study at the IIITs, NITs and Central Funded Technical Institutions (CFTI) 
    CBSE conducted JEE-main, IITDelhi conducted JEE-advanced 
Passing IIT tests not enough, final rank decided by clubbing Board results 
A student had to be among top 20 percentile in his Board 
To bring Board results from all Boards (CBSE, state, others) into a standardized format, qualifying students’ Class XII 
results from all Boards tossed around in a math mixie 
This normalization process formula was prepared by 
Indian Statistical Institute 
Explaining formula & 
normalization for lay persons failed. Beyond few steps, the complicated process stops making sense 
    Experts also foxed by sheer abnormalities in final ranking that defy common sense, logic and sense of fairness 
    Final ranks showed students who had made it to IIT because of good ranking in IIT Advanced test hadn’t actually got in 
    The other big-data problem was different interpretations of the 20-percentile qualifier 
Students, parents fuming, PIL filed. Admissions not stayed 
Authorities stand firm. Say these teething troubles 
HRD ministry yet to decide on reviewing changes in IIT JEE 
IITs say changes were brought 
about in haste and have complicated matters 
    Normalization formula to be revisited as some analysts believe there need to be more ‘fields’ or ‘queries’ to create the 
standardized measure and hence the ranking of the Boards 
    Coaching institutes say normalization process makes it difficult for deserving candidates 
    IIT alumnis to begin agitation July-end to protest new system

IIT (Ab)Normalization: How they got it wrong

Experiment Goes Awry: Students Pay Heavily For Botch-Up

    Kapil Sibal wanted his stint as HRD minister to be memorable. He wanted to leave behind an enduring legacy. He proposed sweeping changes in the education system. 
    In the nearly three-and-half years he was at the helm, the most effective change he undertook was confined to examinations: The CBSE Class X board examination was made optional. Then, after lengthy deliberations, a single examination for engineering was mooted. 
    Students, who spent their summers taking one entrance test after another, lapped up the idea. By putting the emphasis on the Class XII results, the government wanted to restrict the coaching centres’ hold on the system. But there were enough detractors too. 
    States, though supportive, weren’t willing to yield ground. Only Gujarat and Nagaland agreed. Haryana and Uttarakhand were already part of the earlier All India Engineering Entrance Examination and went along. The IITs, fearing a drop in quality, weren’t keen to be integrated with a larger system. A complicated normalization process was devised to bring all boards on a par. The idea was to factor in Class XII result with JEE (Main) scores for admissions to NITs and central government technical institutes. 
    The IITs still had their say. Only 1.5 
lakh of those who cleared JEE (Main) could take JEE (Advanced) for IIT admissions. Of these, only 1.2 lakh finally appeared. A high JEE (Advanced) score wasn’t enough for an IIT seat. The extra factor was the stress on the Class XII result. A student had to be in the top 20 percentile of his/her Board result. Instead of a single examination, a complicated two-tier system was created in a rush. 
    Since June, it’s been chaos. The single exam dream went awry. Students couldn’t crack the normalization formula till the JEE (Main) scores came. Those with high JEE (Main) marks and reasonably high Class XII scores – by today’s standard 90% isn’t a good enough Boards score – found their ranks had slipped. Litigations began. 
    The 20 percentile factor became 
contentious because Boards got their calculations wrong. They calculated it on the basis of total students who had taken the state’s Class XII exams, whereas it had to be on the basis of the number of students who had passed. Many like Nishant (see interview) suffered. Cut-off percentages jumped, especially in Andhra Pradesh, barring 79 students from a possible IIT seat. IITDelhi director R V Shevgaonkar said the Boards overstepped their brief. “It’s unfortunate but nothing can be done.” 
    CBSE chairman Vineet Joshi said the confusion was because it was the first year. Stress on Boards marks had thrown up interesting results, he added. “Preliminary analysis of data reveals this year NITs will have a bigger representation of women and those from rural and semi-rural backgrounds.” The new system should continue. “But genuine concerns should be addressed.” 
    Joshi hopes from next year more states would join in. Joshi’s eventual dream: A single examination that can be taken more than once in a year to improve scores. 
    Shevgaonkar, though not critical of normalization, favours IITs having their own entrance test. But the confusion and tears of students being brushed aside as teething problems could have been avoided with transparency and deliberation.


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JEE Mains Counselling made fun of Students

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Thursday, 18 July 2013

79 IIT aspirants stuck in limbo

Indecision by the human resource development ministry could hit the fate of 79 IIT aspirants who could not get into the prestigious institute due to variance in calculation between the state boards and the institutions in deciding the top 20 percentile of students in class XII. 
    On Wednesday, HRD minister M M Pallam Raju met IIT Delhi director R K Shevgaonkar and discussed the discrepancy in calculation. After the meeting, Raju said, “Immediately after the class XII board results came out, state boards calculated percentile by factoring in the total number of students who appeared in the board examination. But CBSE calculated percentile on the basis of students who passed the class XII examination.” While the discrepancy has been noted in many state boards it is Andhra Pradesh that has been the worst hit as the first calculation made 89% as cut-off which went up to 91.8% according to CBSE’s calculation. 
    Reminiscent of his stand on the Delhi University’s fouryear undergraduate programme (FYUP), Raju was noncommittal about the action the ministry can take. “We will see, will look into how many have 
got affected and on what basis,” he said. Raju said he would like to have more clarifications on the matter and intends to hold a couple of more meetings on the admission process which would also include the system of normalization of marks. He was evasive about the question on reverting to the old system of admission to IITs. 
    He said, “The present system was adopted as per the wisdom of the IIT council and it’s for them to see what’s fair and what’s not.” 
    Ministry officials say since majority of the students affected are from Raju’s home state he would be more proactive than in the past. 

IIT-Kharagpur faculty goes on hunger strike 
Over 400 faculty members and a large number of alumni of IIT Kharagpur in West Bengal on Wednesday went on a token hunger-strike demanding immediate appointment of a director. The post of the director fell vacant on June 30, 2012 and there has been no permanent appointment till now, IIT Teachers Association general secretary Rajendra Singh said. The institute was being neglected by the HRD ministry, he alleged. 

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

जेईई में फेल कैसे हो गए, पड़ताल करेगा राजस्थान बोर्ड

परसेंटाइल के इस फॉर्मूले से पिछड़े हमारे छात्र 
ऐसे समझें क्या है समस्या ? 
मूल्यांकन :
राजस्थान बोर्ड से दो फीसदी से भी कम छात्र सफल, वहीं सीबीएसई, आंध्र और पंजाब से सलेक्ट हुए ८० फीसदी स्टूडेंट, कमेटी जांचेगी कि क्या रही विसंगतियां 
इसके अलावा...
सीबीएसई छात्रों को केंद्रीय मूल्यांकन (यानी विषय की उत्तर पुस्तिकाएं एक जगह पर एकत्र कर वहीं शिक्षक बुलाकर जांच कराना) का फायदा मिलता है। राजस्थान बोर्ड में नहीं होता है। बोर्ड के पास 12वीं में सीबीएसई की तुलना में आठ गुना अधिक बच्चे है। ऐसे में अलग-अलग शिक्षक के पास उत्तर पुस्तिका जाती है तो फर्क आता है।
- सीबीएसई के छात्रों के पास बेहतर संसाधन है और शिक्षक छात्रों की परफॉरमेंस सुधारने पर अधिक ध्यान दे रहे है। 

माक्र्स ज्यादा फिर भी परसेंटाइल कैसे कम हो गई 
राजस्थान बोर्ड की 12वीं में चूरू के दो छात्रों के प्राप्तांकों में मात्र 2 नंबर का अंतर होने के बावजूद रैंक में 40 हजार का अंतर आ गया।

महेश कुमार को 12वीं में 434 अंक और रमेश कसवा को 436 अंक मिले, लेकिन नॉर्मलाइज स्कोर में उनका परसेंटाइल क्रमश: 99.68 और 97.0 रहा। कम नंबर वाले छात्र को ज्यादा परसेंटाइल स्कोर मिलने से उसे 40 हजार रैंक मिली, जबकि बोर्ड में 2 नंबर ज्यादा लाने वाला रमेश 80 हजार रैंक पर पिछड़ गया। जाहिर है, कहीं न कहीं फॉर्मूले की कंप्यूटर गणना में त्रुटि हुई है।
एनआईटी में दाखिला पाने वाले राजस्थान माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड के विद्यार्थियों की संख्या दो प्रतिशत से भी कम रही, जबकि ८० फीसदी विद्यार्थी तीन बोर्डों सीबीएसई, आंध्र और पंजाब से हैं।
ऐसे में राजस्थान माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड 12वीं पास विद्यार्थियों के एडमिशन में पिछडऩे के कारणों की पड़ताल कराएगा। बोर्ड ने इस संबंध में एक उच्च स्तरीय कमेटी बनाने की प्रक्रिया शुरू कर दी है। कमेटी इस बात का अध्ययन करेगी कि बोर्ड की परीक्षा की मूल्यांकन प्रक्रिया में कौन सी ऐसी विसंगतियां हैं, जिन्हें दूर करके विद्यार्थियों को सीबीएसई सहित अन्य बोर्डों के विद्यार्थियों के अंक प्रतिशत के बराबर लाया जा सके। कमेटी के सुझावों पर बोर्ड विचार करके फैसला करेगा। राजस्थान बोर्ड के अध्यक्ष प्रो. पीएस वर्मा का कहना है कि कमेटी गुणवत्ता के साथ समझौता नहीं करेगी, केवल ये सुझाव देगी कि हमारी मूल्यांकन प्रक्रिया को बेहतर कैसे बनाया जाए। क्या कारण हैं कि हमारे विद्यार्थी पिछड़ रहे हैं, जबकि जो कोर्स सीबीएसई में है, वही राजस्थान बोर्ड के विद्यार्थी भी पढ़ रहे हैं। 

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

जेईई-मेन्स के दूसरे राउंड का सीट आवंटन एक दिन टला

कम्प्यूटर एरर ने खड़ी की परेशानी 
आवंटन आज दोपहर 2 बजे, पहले राउंड में 25 छात्रों को आवंटित सीटें रद्द
सीएसएसबी ने सोमवार को पोर्टल पर एक सूची जारी कर पहले राउंड में इंजीनियरिंग व आर्किटेक्चर के 25 ऐसे छात्रों की सीटें रद्दकर दीं, जिन्होंने पहले राउंड में कटऑफ स्कोर से नीचे होने के बावजूद च्वाइस लॉक कर दी थीं। कंप्यूटर एरर के कारण उन्हें सीटें आवंटित कर प्रोविजनल एडमिशन दे दिया गया। बाद में त्रुटि का पता चला तो उनकी सीटें रद्द की गईं। पोर्टल पर पहले छात्रों के रोल नंबर, नाम व मोबाइल नंबर दिए गए, कुछ देर बाद नाम व मोबाइल नंबर हटा लिए गए। 
सेंट्रल सीट एलोकेशन बोर्ड (सीएसएबी) ने जेईई-मेन्स की ऑनलाइन काउंसलिंग में दूसरे चरण का सीट आवंटन एक दिन टाल कर हजारों छात्रों की परेशानी बढ़ा दी। पूर्व घोषित शिड्यूल के अनुसार, सोमवार को एनआईटी के लिए दूसरे राउंड की सीटें आवंटित की जानी थी। हजारों छात्र सुबह से रात 8 बजे तक इंतजार करते रहे, लेकिन रात 8 बजे सीएसएबी के पोर्टल पर सूचना दी गई कि सीट आवंटन मंगलवार को दोपहर 2 बजे किया जाएगा। इससे वे छात्र मुश्किल में पड़ गए जिनके लिए मंगलवार को किसी कॉलेज में रिपोर्ट करने का अंतिम दिन है। उन्हें एनआईटी में सीट नहीं मिली तो दूसरे कॉलेज से भी वंचित रहना पड़ सकता है। 

बोर्ड में ज्यादा अंक पाने के बावजूद नॉर्मलाइज में पीछे

इस साल एनआईटी, ट्रिपल आईटी और अन्य केंद्रीय तकनीकी संस्थानों में एडमिशन के लिए सीबीएसई ने जेईई-मेन्स और बोर्ड के अंकों को नॉर्मलाइज करने का जो फार्मूला बनाया उससे कई छात्रों की रैंक में उलटफेर सामने आ रहा है। कोटा में तैयारी कर रहे दो छात्रों के स्कोर में राजस्थान बोर्ड परीक्षा में मात्र 1 नंबर का अंतर होने के बावजूद फाइनल रैंक में 11 हजार का अंतर आ गया। 
12वीं बोर्ड परीक्षा में अरविंद कुमार को 500 में से 401 अंक मिले, जबकि प्रदीप कुमार को 400 अंक । सीबीएसई ने दोनों छात्रों के बोर्ड और जेईई-मेन्स के अंकों को नॉर्मलाइज करके फाइनल स्कोर घोषित किया, जिसमें प्रदीप को 155 अंक मिले और उसकी ऑल इंडिया रैंक-31000 रही। जबकि बोर्ड में 401 नंबर लाने वाले अरविंद को 110 अंक ही मिले, जिससे उसकी रैंक-42000 हो गई। रैंक में 11 हजार का बड़ा अंतर होने से बोर्ड परीक्षा में ज्यादा नंबर लाने वाले छात्र को सीट नहीं मिल सकी। 

Thursday, 11 July 2013

80% IIT entrants from just 3 boards

For long, when it came to getting into IITs,signing up with the right coaching centre was what mattered more than which school board you attended. But the new entrance exam system, which gives weightage to class XII scores of candidates,has changed the rules of the game in one fell swoop. 
    The list of candidates selected last week for the IITs showed that a vast majority of the successful candidates – more than 8,000 out of 9,700 – or over 80% came from just three school boards: the CBSE, Andhra Pradesh and Punjab state boards. 
    “More than 5,500 students come from the CBSE board. Then, there are close to 1,800 of them from Andhra Pradesh and another 750 from Punjab,” said JEE(advanced)chairman H C Gupta, about this year’s list. There are 30 other boards in India from where a small count of students has qualified. “There are anywhere between five and 10 to over 100 students from some other boards,” Gupta said. 
    In other words, if you want to get into one of these premier engineering institutes, it appears that passing class XII from one of these boards gives you an edge over competition. 
    Because it never mattered earlier, the IITs do not have records on the school boards that students had attended, giving little data to make any historical comparisons. Nevertheless, it is well-known that the CBSE board sends the largest chunk of students to the IITs every year. 
    “We always knew that many students come from the CBSE board. But we had no clue which other state boards sent more students to the IITs,” said IIT Roorkee director Pradipto Banerjee. 
    Statistics from the IITs show that in JEE 2010, of the qualified candidates, 58% were from CBSE, 36% from stateboards and 6% from ICSE. While 3.5% of the CBSE candidates qualified, it was 2.3% for state boards and 2.7% for ICSE. 
    In 2011, of the 13,196 qualified candidates, 543 were from ICSE (4.1%), 7,396 from CBSE (56%), and 5,195 from state boards (39.4%). “It is noted that the participation and the performance of the candidates from state boards have improved in JEE-2011 in comparison to previous years,” an analytical report released by the IITs read. 
    Many students say a whimsical selection process has given an unfair advantage to students of certain boards. But IIT officials rubbish that. “Honestly, we had no clue that the Punjab state board would rank up there among the top three. We feel making it to the IITs has a lot to do with the coaching facilities available to students,” said an IIT director. 

8,000 of 9,700 students selected came from three boards — CBSE, Andhra Pradesh & Punjab 
Of these, 5,000 are from CBSE, 1,800 from Andhra and 750 from Punjab 
CBSE has sent more students than other boards in past too. In 2011, of 13,196 qualified candidates, 
56% were from CBSE

Students were in dilemma for RPET & JEE Mains

For more detail please go through the link:-

Students are in blind race for IITs & NITs

For more detail please go through the link:-

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

आज होगा एनआईटी के लिए पहला सीट आवंटन

जेईई-मेन्स- 2013 दो राउंड में होगी ऑनलाइन काउंसलिंग
इस साल 30 एनआईटी, ट्रिपल आईटी सहित केंद्र व राज्य वित्त पोषित तकनीकी संस्थानों में प्रवेश के लिए हुई जेईई-मेन्स परीक्षा में पहले राउंड का सीट आवंटन 10 जुलाई (बुधवार) को किया जाएगा। सेंट्रल सीट एलोकेशन बोर्ड (सीएसएबी) ने काउंसलिंग का संशोधित शिड्यूल जारी कर चयनित परीक्षार्थियों को 9 जुलाई तक ऑनलाइन रजिस्ट्रेशन व 'वाइस लॉक करने का मौका दिया था। पहले राउंड में जिन छात्रों को सीटें आवंटित की जाएंगी, वे 11 से 14 जुलाई तक सीएसएबी पोर्टल से आवंटन पत्र की स्वीकृति का फॉरमेट प्रिंट कर लें। ऐसे छात्र रिपोर्टिंग सेंटर पर व्यक्तिगत उपस्थित होकर रिपोर्ट करें। सीट आवंटित होने के बाद ओरिजनल डॉक्यूमेंट्स का सत्यापन किया जाएगा। फिर फीस जमा करके रीजनल सेंटर से प्रोविजनल एडमिशन लेटर प्राप्त कर लें।
15 जुलाई को सीट आवंटन का दूसरा राउंड होगा। 16 से 18 जुलाई तक छात्र रिपोर्टिंग सेंटरों पर रिपोर्ट कर सकेंगे। 18 तक छात्र आवंटित सीट वापस ले सकते हैं, लेकिन उन्हें अगले राउंड में भाग लेने का मौका नहीं दिया जाएगा। 19 जुलाई को एनआईटी सहित सभी संस्थानों में रिक्त सीटों की संख्या घोषित कर दी जाएगी।
20 से 23 जुलाई तक केंद्रीय व राज्य सरकार के वित्त पोषित संस्थानों के लिए स्पॉट राउंड और राज्य वित्त पोषित संस्थानों के लिए एक्सट्रा स्पॉट राउंड होगा। 

Denied IIT seat, four Andhra Pradesh students move high court

The Andhra Pradesh HC on Monday asked IIT not to fill the seats offered to four Andhra students who were later denied admission citing poor percentile. 
    Justice Ramesh Rang
anathan said this was violation of the Article 14 of the Constitution while dealing with a writ petition filed by Anudeep Pendyala and three others. 
    The students contended that they appeared in the JEE (advanced) 2013 after qualify
ing in JEE Mains and got good ranks in the JEE (advanced). 
    They were issued call letters and were called to Chennai for admission formalities and then denied admission. 
    Gandra Mohan Rao, the petitioner’s counsel , said the four were called for counseling and 
offered seats on the basis that the cut-off mark was 89.1% in intermediate. At the time of counseling, this was raised to 91.8%, he said. 
    Terming it arbitrary, the petitioners said, students with 60% were offered seats last year. 

    The judge said the sudden change of cut-off mark after call letters were dispatched was violative of Article 14 of the Constitution, and directed the authorities to keep aside the seats offered to the petitioners till finalization of case.

Losing lustre? IIT seats go vacant as 769 refuse to join

The Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT), where gaining admission is said to be more difficult than entering some Ivy League colleges in the US, have had to go through the ignominy of a second round of allotments to fill up all the seats. 
    A total of 769 students did the unthinkable this year: they refused to study in an IIT after getting in. It’s a rare 
situation where even general category seats in various IITs across the country have remained vacant after the first round of admission. 
    Previously, only seats meant for reserved categories used to go vacant, but this time there is hope for general category students too as seats are up for grabs. The reasons for not joining varied from “not having confidence in the new IITs’’ to “getting allotments in not so-popular streams’’. 

JEE chief allays students’ fears on admissions 
The second round of allotment of IIT seats, which starts on Wednesday, offers hope to aspirants to get into top engineering schools of India. “Hundreds of seats are available for students of all categories,” said Joint Engineering Entrance (advanced) chairman H C Gupta. 
    Students who took admission were offered internal betterment before the second allotment. So, if a student with a ranking of 1,100 did not take the seat allotted, another with a lower ranking got that place (if he opted for that subject in the preference form). 

    “While there are seats available in every IIT, most vacant seats are at ISMDhanbad. IT-BHU (now an IIT), which used to have many unfilled seats, does not have as many vacancies this year. It has improved,” Gupta said. 

    After the first round closed in 2009, 505 seats were unfilled; in 2011, 300-odd seats were vacant and came up in the second round. 
    But until a few years ago, IITs did not conduct a second round of admissions and unfilled seats used to be transferred to the preparatory programme, a bridge course 
to bring quota students to the mark. 
    In 2008, TOI had campaigned that IITs conduct multiple rounds of admission to fill up colleges’ capacity, following which IITs did so and vacancies fell since 2009 (see table). 
    A 1993 report by former IIT-Madras director P V Indiresan and former IIT-Delhi director N C Nigam had dwelt on the impact of quotas in IITs. 
    “Nearly 50% reserved seats remain vacant as SC/ ST students are unable to secure the minimum threshold marks. Of those admitted, almost 25% are told to leave due to poor performance,’’ the 1993 report said.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Top 20 percentile norm adds to IIT admissions confusion

Even as normalization of percentile of JEE (Main) and class XII marks continues to create confusion for students seeking admission to NITs, admission to the IITs is beset with its own problems. 
    The basis for admission to 16 IITs is performance in JEE 

(Advanced). The other crucial condition is that those who have done well in JEE (Advanced) should be in the top 20 percentile of success
ful candidates in class XII examinations conducted by various school Boards. There are 10,000 seats in IITs — around 5,000 for general candidates and the rest for reserved category students. 
    While the JEE (Advanced) score came late June, on Sunday the top 20 percentile eligibility cutoffs for this academic session was announced. This created a peculiar situation. After the JEE (Advanced) score came along with the All India Rank, online counseling of students began and many were offered seats in IITs based on their rank. Then came the top 20 percentile eligibility cutoff and many students found they have not qualified despite having done well in JEE (Advanced).

Those who have done well in JEE (Advanced) should be in top 20 percentile in class XII Boards to get into IITs 
Many who did well in JEE will lose out on IIT seats as they are not in the top 20 percentile 
But IITs say not more than 20 students will be hit 

New JEE norms hit Andhra hard 
IIT aspirants may be denied seats despite having done well in the JEE (advanced) exam as they failed to finish in the top 20 percentile of the class XII examination conducted by their board. 
    Among the worst hit would be the students from Andhra Pradesh with the highest cutoffs of 91.8%, followed by Tamil Nadu (90.9%) and Kerala (85.2%). 
    There is a report of one student from Andhra Pradesh who despite securing the All India Rank within 3,000 did not get admission because he could not fulfill the class XII cutoff of his state. 
    Since Hyderabad is one of the biggest hubs of IIT coaching, many students from neighbouring states take admission in class XI in Andhra Pradesh. 
    The lowest cutoffs are for Tripura (53.2%), Jharkhand (56.2%), Assam (56.6%) and Uttarakhand (57.8%). 
    CBSE’s cutoff is 81.6%, 
ICSE (83.2%), UP (73%), Bihar (65%) and West Bengal (61.2%). 
    Eligibility till last year across the boards was 60%. These cutoffs are for the general category students. 
    However, IIT-Delhi’s H C Gupta, who is overseeing the JEE (advanced) this year, disagrees. 
    He says, “Cutoff of top 20 percentile would not affect more than 20 students across sixteen IITs. Even with 60% class XII eligibility criteria till last year, few students could not get admission despite clearing the JEE.”

Friday, 5 July 2013

JEE Main Counseling: Online registration now till 07th July

For more detail please go through the link:-

टॉप-20 परसेंटाइल स्कोर ने रोका आईआईटी में प्रवेश

बोर्ड का बैरियर : आईआईटी ने जारी किया 29 बोर्ड का टॉप-20 परसेंटाइल कटऑफ। राज.बोर्ड का कटऑफ 67.6 रहा।
आईआईटी में प्रवेश के लिए इस साल 12वीं बोर्ड के टॉप-20 परसेंटाइल में आने की अनिवार्यता कई छात्रों पर भारी पड़ी। जो छात्र जेईई-एडवांस टेस्ट में अच्छा स्कोर अर्जित करने के बाद आईआईटी में जाने का सपना देख रहे थे, उनके बोर्ड में टॉप-20 परसेंटाइल कटऑफ जारी होने के बाद वे प्रवेश की पात्रता ही खो बैठे।
आईआईटी ने गुरुवार को जेईई-एडवांस की वेबसाइट पर 29 बोर्डों की टॉप-20 परसेंटाइल कटऑफ सूची जारी की। इसके अनुसार, सीबीएसई 12वीं बोर्ड परीक्षा-2013 में सामान्य वर्ग का टॉप-20 कटऑफ 81.6 (408 अंक) रहा, जबकि राजस्थान बोर्ड में कटऑफ 67.60 (338 अंक) रहा।
इसलिए जरूरी है टॉप-20 परसेंटाइल
12वीं बोर्ड परीक्षा में सर्वाधिक अंक लाने वाले 20 प्रतिशत छात्रों की सूची में शामिल होने पर ही छात्र को आईआईटी में प्रवेश योग्य माना गया है। सीबीएसई 12वीं बोर्ड में सामान्य वर्ग में 408, ओबीसी में 401, एससी में 361 व एसटी वर्ग में 356 से ज्यादा नंबर लाने वाले पात्र माने गए हैं।
त्रिपुरा में 53.6 व आंध्र में 91.8
सूची के अनुसार, त्रिपुरा में 12वीं बोर्ड का टॉप-20 कटऑफ 268 अंक (53.6 परसेंटाइल) रहा जबकि आंध्रप्रदेश में सर्वाधिक 91.8 रहा। दोनों बोर्ड के कटऑफ में 191 अंकों का भारी अंतर रहा। तमिलनाडु में 90.9, कर्नाटक 86.0, केरल 85.2, सीबीएसई 81.6, आईसीएसई 83.2, राजस्थान व छत्तीसगढ़ 67.6, उड़ीसा 66.83, बिहार 65.0, पश्चिम बंगाल 61.2, मेघालय व नेशनल ओपन स्कूल बोर्ड 61.0, नागालैंड 59.8, उत्तराखंड 57.8, असम 56.6, झारखंड 56.2 और त्रिपुरा में सबसे कम 53.6 परसेंट कटऑफ रहा।
एडवांस में सलेक्ट, बोर्ड में बाहर
छात्रा तृप्ति जेईई-एडवांस में 5 हजार रैंक पर चयनित हो गई, सीबीएसई बोर्ड में उसे कटऑफ से मात्र 3 नंबर कम मिलने से वह आईआईटी में प्रवेश से वंचित रह गई। उसे इस साल दोनों परीक्षाओं की तैयारी फिर से करनी होगी।

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Kota IIIT in JEE Main counseling

Kota IIIT in JEE Main counseling.

For more detail please go through the link :-

Skewed formula sparks NIT admission muddle

After nearly a month of collating normalization of Class XII marks and students’ scores in JEE (Main), the final ranking for admission to the prestigious National Institutes of Technology (NITs) is finally out. Expectedly, the skewed formula has created confusion among students. 
    If the problem of normalization is not enough, there is also a report of mathematical miscalculation that has resulted in a peculiar situation. A student, Muneet (roll no. 83201759) with Class XII percentile of 99.25 and JEE (Main) percentile of 98.55 got an All India Rank of 15,638, while another, Arjun Suri (roll no. 83207527), with a Class XII percentile of 98.87 and JEE (Main) percentile of 98.04 got a rank of 12,077. Both of them passed Class XII examination from the J&K Board. 
    Fears that the normalization process would end up distorting rankings seem to be coming true. 
    For admission to NITs, it was decided to use the JEE (Main) performance and the normalized Board performance in the 60:40 ratio. But after the JEE (Main) results were announced, the JEE Interface Group came up with the novel normalization formula that has put several students at a disadvantage. DU’s 4yr BTech courses no sure ticket to IITs yet 
    Six courses, including electronics and computer science, in DU, which were earlier BSc (Hons) and have now become BTech under the new four-year UG programme, may not be your direct ticket to IITs. Though DU had said the switch to BTech would make students eligible for MTech courses in technical institutes, IITs say they haven’t even been approached on this by DU and that their senate will have to take a call on this. P 9 Stark difference in the rank of 1 lakh engg aspirants 
    The normalization formula for admission to the prestigious National Institutes of Technology has created considerable confusion. The formula is as follows: C= 0.6 X Ao + 0.4 X Bfinal, where (Ao) component is aggregate marks obtained by each student in JEE (Main) and Bfinal component corresponds to the Board percentile. The final rank of the student in the JEE (Main) has been decided by C. 
    The normalization process — decided by the JEE Interface Group for the Class XII marks component — is as follows: 50% of Board marks be normalized by equating percentile among different Boards and anchoring these to All India JEE (Main) percentiles, and 50% be normalized by equating each Board's percentile with JEE (Main) percentile marks of respective Boards. TOI had earlier reported how this formula can create problem. Now, that the result is out, one can see how irrational the normalization has been. 
    One student who has passed out from Haryana Board with 124 marks in JEE (Main) and 92.5% in Class XII has got 242 marks as component B and finally got a final rank of 18,000 and another student who passed out from the CBSE with 128 marks in JEE (Main) and 67% in Class XII has got the rank 1,50,000. “There is a stark difference in rank of more than a lakh, despite the fact that student with 67% in class XII scored more in JEE (Main),” said an aggrieved parent. 
    A third student with 92.5% marks in CBSE and 184 marks in JEE (Main) got the final rank as 17,000. “See the difference. With same 92.5% in class XII, but from different boards and wide variation in JEE (Main) score of 60 marks, students are getting almost the similar rank. How can one say the normalization formula is rational?” asked a student.

जेईई-मेन्स में कोटा का अमित राज्य में टॉपर

जयपुर के तुषार की राज्य में 5वीं, देश में 99वीं रैंक
सीबीएसई ने इसी साल 7 अप्रैल को आयोजित जेईई-मेन्स परीक्षा का फाइनल रिजल्ट मंगलवार को जारी कर दिया। कोटा का अमित मालव 99.91 परसेंटाइल स्कोर के साथ राज्य में टॉपर रहा। 
अमित को ऑल इंडिया रैंक-21 व ओबीसी रैंक-19 पर सफलता मिली। जयपुर के तुषार धमानी की स्टेट में 5वीं तथा ऑल इंडिया रैंक 99वीं रही। अजमेर के जयेश बुंंदेल ने एससी श्रेणी में अखिल भारतीय स्तर पर 78वीं एवं राज्य में 14वीं रैंक पाई। इंजीनियरिंग कॉमन एंट्रेंस टेस्ट के प्रथम चरण में देशभर से 12.50 लाख परीक्षार्थी बैठे थे। इनमें से 1.50 लाख को जेईई-एडवांस के लिए क्वालीफाई घोषित किया। शेष 11 लाख परीक्षार्थियों को एनआईटी, ट्रिपल आईटी व अन्य प्रमुख संस्थानों में ऑल इंडिया रैंक, स्टेट रैंक या कैटेगरी रैंक के आधार पर बीटेक कोर्स में एडमिशन मिलेगा। कॉमन मेरिट लिस्ट में सामान्य वर्ग का कटऑफ 62 अंक, ओबीसी-एनसीएल वर्ग का 59 अंक और एससी-एसटी व निशक्त वर्ग का 32 अंक रहा

दो दिन पहले मिल गई आईआईटी में सीट

रिजल्ट: ऑनलाइन काउंसलिंग के पहले राउंड में सामान्य वर्ग के छात्र 7 व 8 जुलाई को आईआईटी में कर सकेंगे रिपोर्ट
11 लाख छात्रों की मेरिट में टॉप-100 में वर्चस्व
सीबीएसई ने जेईई-मेन्स परीक्षा का फाइनल रिजल्ट मंगलवार रात घोषित कर दिया। इसमें मेन्स के अंकों का 60 फीसदी और बोर्ड के अंकों का 40 फीसदी वेटेज जोड़ते हुए नॉर्मलाइज स्कोर दिया गया है। इंजीनियरिंग की इस सबसे बड़ी प्रवेश परीक्षा में 7 अप्रैल को देश के 12.50 लाख छात्रों ने पेपर दिया था। इसकी ऑल इंडिया मेरिट सूची में कोटा के कोचिंग संस्थानों से तैयारी करने वाले छात्रों ने शीर्ष रैंकों पर बड़ी सफलता अर्जित की है। संस्थानों में रिजल्ट देखने का काम देर रात तक जारी रहा।
इस साल 2 जून को जेईई-एडवांस के कड़े मुकाबले में चयनित हुए छात्रों को ठीक एक माह बाद मंगलवार को आईआईटी में सीटें आवंटित कर दी गई। आईआईटी ने वेब पोर्टल पर पहले सीट आवंटन के लिए 4 जुलाई की तिथि घोषित की थी, लेकिन निर्धारित शिड्यूल से दो दिन पहले 2 जुलाई को ही सीटें आवंटित कर छात्रों को चौंका दिया।
ऑल इंडिया मेरिट में रैंक-5 पर सफल रहे उत्कर्ष कुमार से भास्कर ने पूछा तो उसे मंगलवार शाम तक सीट आवंटन की जानकारी नहीं थी। उसे आईआईटी, मुंबई में कंप्यूटर साइंस ब्रांच में एडमिशन मिला है। कोटा की कोचिंग संस्थानों के कई टॉपर्स ने आईआईटी, मुंबई, दिल्ली, कानपुर व खडग़पुर की मनपसंद ब्रांचों में सीट पक्की कर ली। सामान्य वर्ग के छात्रों को 7 व 8 जुलाई को, ओबीसी व निशक्त वर्ग को 4 व 5 जुलाई को और एससी व एसटी वर्ग के छात्रों को 6 जुलाई को जोनल आईआईटी में रिपोर्ट करना होगा। विशेषज्ञों का अनुमान है कि पहले राउंड में ऊंची रैंक वाले छात्रों की च्वॉइस के आधार पर 5 से 6 हजार सीटें भर जाएंगी।
आईआईटी ने एडवांस टेस्ट का रिजल्ट भी 21 जून को 2 दिन पहले ही घोषित कर दिया था। इसमें 16 आईआईटी व आईएसएम धनबाद की 9885 सीटों के लिए कुल 15,947 परीक्षार्थी काउंसलिंग के लिए क्वालिफाई किए थे। कोटा कोचिंग के 30 हजार से ज्यादा चयनित छात्र ऑनलाइन काउंसलिंग में भाग ले रहे हैं। दूसरा सीट आवंटन 9 जुलाई व तीसरा आवंटन 13 जुलाई को होगा। पहले और दूसरे राउंड में आवंटित सीट स्वीकार न होने पर छात्र ऑनलाइन फार्म भरकर 11 जुलाई तक च्वॉइस वापस ले सकते हैं। सभी आईआईटी में 4 से 8 जुलाई तक केटेगरी के अनुसार, डॉक्यूमेंट्स का भौतिक सत्यापन किया जाएगा। ऑनलाइन काउंसलिंग तीन राउंड में पूरी होगी।
ये डॉक्यूमेंट ले जाने होंगे
आवंटन पत्र का प्रिंटआउट व ओरिजनल प्रवेश पत्र। 
आवेदन फार्म, मेडिकल रिपोर्ट व जन्म तिथि का प्रमाणपत्र। 
केटेगरी सर्टिफिकेट व सामान्य वर्ग के लिए 60 हजार रुपए का बैंक ड्राफ्ट। 

Friday, 14 June 2013

Answer key reveals errors in JEE papers

The model answers for the JEE (advanced) released on Tuesday 11th June 2013 show errors in two questions, one in the maths and another in the physics paper, that could cost students six marks and make a significant impact on their all-India rank. Also, for the second year in a row, the JEE organizers have persisted with fixing subject and overall cutoffs even before assessing the performance of students. Till 2011, cutoffs were based on the performance of all candidates and after evaluating all answer sheets. 
    Only around 5,000 of the 1.5 lakh students who took the JEE (advanced) would make it to the premier IITs. 
    This year, subject cutoffs for maths, physics and chemistry are 12, 11 and 6 respectively for general, OBC and SC/ST students. The aggregate cutoffs 
are fixed at 35%, 31.5% and 17.5% for general, OBC and SC/ ST candidates. With 360 as the total marks, it comes to 126, 114 and 63 respectively for general, OBC and SC/ST candidates. 
    As pointed out by many senior IIT faculty members last year, the flip side is that each candidate who scores above above the cutoffs gets an all-India rank and based on that he/ she will be alloted an IIT and course. 
    But not every student with an all-India rank will make it to the IITs since rankings go up to 25,000 and above, whereas there are only little over 5,000 
seats to be filled in these toprung institutions. 
    In the model answers, it has been found that question number 48 (paper I) of maths shows three correct answers, A, C or AC. But the question is such that there could only be one correct answer. If a student ticks more than one correct answer, he is penalized with negative marks. 
    The second error in the JEE (advanced) is that question number three (paper II) of physics has been shown to have two correct answers – ABCD or BCD. “How can option A be both right and wrong? Besides, candidates who spend time to correctly solve the question would have realized that all the other options are correct as well. These students would have avoided marking any of the options out of fear of being marked negatively,” a faculty member from IIT-Bombay said.

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Re - Challenge JEE 2014

Complicated normalization of marks riles JEE aspirants

New Delhi:The normalization process worked out for admission to the National Institutes of Technology (NITs) and other central government technical educational institutions is turning out to be more complicated and cumbersome than what the HRD ministry and CBSE had thought. 
    Normalization could result in a student with high score in JEE (Main) and not so low percentage in Class XII (say 90%) getting a rank much lower than his friend who scored less in JEE (Main) but had a higher percentage in the Board results. Now, many more students and parents are thinking of moving court. A parent from NIT, Kurukshetra, said, “The normalization formula is skewed. For admission, it was decided to use the JEE (Main) performance and the normalized Board performance in the 60:40 ratio. But after the JEE (Main) results were out, the JEE Interface Group has come up with the normalization formula which would put many students on disadvantage.” The formula is C = 0.6 X Ao + 0.4 X B final, where (Ao) component is aggregate marks obtained by each student in JEE (Main) and B final component corresponds to the Board percentile. The final rank of the student in the JEE (Main) will be decided by C. 
    The normalization process for the Class XII marks component is 50% of Board marks be normalized by equating percentile among different Boards 
and anchoring them to All India JEE (Main) percentiles, and 50% be normalized by equating each Board’s percentile with JEE (Main) percentile marks of respective Boards. 
    Many students are pointing out that the normalization system is not working out. The moot point is if a student scores 95%, 2% more than his friend who gets 93% in the Board it would mean he has scored 10 additional marks. But this 2% will result in a big difference in JEE marks mapping. 
    For instance, Tom, gets first rank in JEE (Main). He scored 345/360. Tom scored 90% in CBSE class XII. Let’s make a fair assumption that these marks will probably correspond to about 93 percentile in the Boards. Now, for the calculation of 40% equivalent from Boards: If there are 12 lakh people taking JEE (Main), Tom will be allotted marks equivalent to 93 percentile of the JEE (Main) ranks. The official cut-off declared for JEE (Advanced) is 113 with a rank of 75,000 for general category. Probably this year, 93 percentile in JEE (Main) would
correspond to about 84,000 rank and corresponding marks would be about 110 only. 
    So Tom will get B final component which consists of B1 (JEE (Main) marks corresponding to percentile at the All India level) + B2 (JEE-Main aggregate marks corresponding to percentile among the set of aggregate scores obtained in the JEE (Main) by students of that Board) in the formula approximately as 0.4X110=44 marks. (This is on the assumption that B1 and B2 components remain almost same in case of CBSE). So, total marks of Tom will be C =0.6x345+0.4x110 =207+44=251 
    Now, if Peter gets 200 marks in JEE (Main) and 97.5% in boards then probably he is at 99.98 percentile and corresponding to this he will get 330 marks in JEE (Main). If one maps 99.98 percentile to JEE main percentile then marks for Bfinal component would be 330. His B final component will be 0.4x330=132. So total marks of Peter will be C =0.6x200 +0.4x330=120+132=252. 
    The error is self-evident. Tom with high JEE (Main) score but slightly less percentage in CBSE gets only 44 marks in the Board component whereas Peter with 200 marks in JEE (Main) but 97.5% in CBSE gets 132 in the Board component, a huge difference of 86.8 marks. 
    Someone gets 90% in CBSE Board and ranks first in JEE (Main) he might not even figure in top final ranking. 
    “This is just stupid,” parent of a student says.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

JEE 2014 may not be purely subjective

The new pattern proposed for JEE (Advanced) by IIT-Bombay for admissions to IITs in 2014 will not have multiple choice questions; it will be subjective but students will not have to write long answers in the proposed pattern. 

  Students will be told to solve problems and write answers only; there will not be any need to give a step-wise solution. Even for descriptive answers, in the new format, questions may be asked in the form of ‘fill in the blanks’ or ‘complete the following’.

Construction of IIT-J building starts today

The construction of the IIT-Jodhpur campus will finally start from Tuesday 16th April 2013 with Union human resources minister M M Pallam Raju set to lay the foundation stone of the main building. 

The first phase of the construction is likely to be completed by 2016. The HRD minister will be accompanied by Union cultural minister and MP from Jodhpur Chandresh Kumari and chief minister Ashok Gehlot. 

Monday, 8 April 2013

Free Demo Lecture By ETOOS

Attend Demo Lecture between 8th Apr 2013 to 13th Apr 2013.
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Government will provide free Coaching for Engineering & Medical Test Preparation

डॉक्टर-इंजीनियर बनाने के लिए सरकार कराएगी फ्री कोचिंग 
कोटात्न राज्य सरकार कोटा के प्रमुख कोचिंग संस्थाओं एलेन, बंसल, रेजोनेंस व कैरियर पाइंट में एससी-एसटी के बच्चों को निशुल्क कोचिंग कराएगी। इनकी फीस की भरपाई सरकार करेगी। कोटा में निशुल्क जांच योजना के लिए आयोजित समारोह में सामाजिक न्याय एवं अधिकारिता मंत्री अशोक बैरवा ने यहां के विकास की चर्चा करते हुए कहा कि यह शहर कोचिंग हब बन गया है। सरकार सबके लिए कुछ न कुछ कर रही है। इसी क्रम में यहां के प्रमुख चार कोचिंग संस्थानों में पढऩे के लिए एससी-एसटी के छात्रों को निशुल्क कोचिंग कराई जाएगी। पूर्व में भी इस वर्ग के छात्रों को आगे पढऩे के लिए सरकार की ओर से कई योजनाएं चलाई जा रही है।

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Still 80% students are giving JEE offline

For more information please go through the link below:-

Kota should have offline examination center of JEE Main

For more detail please go through the link below:-

MOU Signed for IIIT, team will come this month for land

For more detail please go through the link below:-

Friday, 22 March 2013

IIT-Jodhpur gets 1.5cr grant for talent search

The IIT-J will now be creating talents at its campus here with a view to promote entrepreneurship and business models of the youths. The institute has received Rs 1.5 crore grant from the state government for the purpose. 
    “We have selected 11 groups from across the country based upon their ideas on the topic ‘Information Communication Technology in Women and Children’s Health’. We will now provide them facilities at our IIT and incubate them in realization of their ideas, their concepts to create an atmosphere of entrepreneurship in the country and provide them with ideas and necessary platform in order to bring their ideas into reality,” IIT-J director Prem Kumar Kalra said. 
    “The state chief minister will visit IIT-J on April 16 and award the grant amount among these 11 groups which will be further working with the IIT-J,” said Goverdhan Mehta, chairman of the Board of Governors of IIT-J. 
    On promoting entrepreneurship in the country, Mehta said the aim of the project is to bring feasible ideas of the students and people to the market, so that the benefit can be extended to the masses. 
    IIT-J has already been working relentlessly to bring out entrepreneurship skills among its students and had organized a conclave on ‘Entrepreneurship on Low Cost Solutions’ in February last year.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Admission Announcement for JEE (Main + Advance) & JEE (Main)

Admission process for JEE (Main + Advance) & JEE (Main) for 2014 & 2015 session started at ETOOS.
Get a chance to learn form the Superior Faculties of JEE at ETOOS kota.

Monday, 14 January 2013

IIT-Madras develops artificial blood

IIT-Madras scientists have blood on their hands— and nobody is complaining. A team of scientists from the department of engineering design has been successful in creating enough red blood cells from stem cells to be used as ‘artificial blood’ in people who need transfusion. 
    Having proved their oxygen carrying capacity, the RBCs will now go into ‘mass production’ before starting human trials in three years, scientists 
said. The IIT team recently got a funding approval from the Union ministry of science and technology to produce artificial blood on an industrial scale. This blood would be tested on animals before human trials. If the trials prove successful, it will help hospitals overcome shortage of blood and save many accident victims. “We will be able to provide any amount of safe and disease free blood at half the cost of blood sold now,” said the study’s principal investigator, Dr Soma Guhathakurta, a visiting professor at the department of engineering design IIT-M. 
    In the past few months, Dr Soma and her team of researchers have made trillions of red blood cells – the carrier of hemoglobin that delivers oxygen to various body tissues and clears up carbon dioxide — on a Petri dish. They cultured adult stem cells derived from 
cord blood in the presence of some “easily nutritional supplements” for 17 days in the lab. 
    The stem cells, which are undifferentiated cells with the potential to turn into any cell, 
developed into red blood cells. The department of biotechnology (DBT) has recently approved a plan from the scientists to develop a bio-reactor for large-scale production of artificial blood. The reactor will be built with support of IIT’s biotechnology department. “We will simultaneously process papers for performing animal trials with the artificial blood. It will first be tested on anemic mice. If they are able to accept it and survive, we will take it to the next level,” he said. Globally, scientists have been working on artificial blood. While a French team has begun human trials, a UK team is set to follow suit. Dr Soma, a heart surgeon, says their research is different as unlike other cases, they have been able to exclusively produce red blood cells. So far nobody has been able to mass produce only red blood cells. 
    “Almost all earlier attempts have had at least 40% of white blood cells in the culture. Introducing such artificial blood into a patient with a weak immune system could be tricky. As a surgeon, I would prefer only red blood cells,” she said. 
    The IITians say they did not 
use expensive enzyme or growth factors. “Despite this, the yield was a billion times high. In a typical RBC blood bag, there are about a trillion (1 followed by 12 zeros) red blood cells. On our Petri dish we had a yield of about a quadrillion (1 followed by 15 zeros) cells from the starting point of about a million stem cells,” said Venkatesh Balasubramanian, associate professor in the department of engineering design. 
    The WHO says a country needs a minimum stock of blood equal to 1% of its population. This means India needs 12 million units of blood, but col
lects only nine million units annually, though demand has gone up drastically. The cost of blood has gone up in the last few years as blood has to be subjected to several tests to ensure it is disease-free, says Dr K Selvaraju, former state blood transfusion officer. This could be avoided in artificial blood. 
    It may take at least five years for artificial blood to be available for clinical use as large-scale trials will follow. The research hasn’t been published in peer-reviewed science journals owing to the intellectual property concerns of the scientists.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

IITs, IIMs to face peer review

India’s premier technical institutes, including IITs and IIMs, will be put to test soon. All centrally funded technical institutions, Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) will conduct internal departmental reviews and be assessed by an external panel every five years. 
    This peer review by academia and industry, according to international benchmarks, is expected to bring about transparency and accountability to the institutes and could start from next year. 
    On Monday, the IIT Council gave the nod for all IITs to be subjected to a peer review. Elaborat
ing on the decision, MoS in the HRD ministry M M Pallam Raju said, “The Council of IITs decided that the peer review of each institute would be carried out on a periodic basis, once in every five years. IITs need to review themselves in terms of what is happening academically, in terms of research, in terms of evolutions towards meeting world standards.” 
    The move comes at a time when only a handful of India’s tech institutes have made a mark globally. The peer review will be based on similar well-established review systems in world-class institutions and would be forward looking. 
    Each IIT will similarly undertake an in-house, departmentwise review before any external peer review is carried out, the minister said. The review panel would consist of five eminent persons from the industry and the academia. 
    For the new IITs, similar exercise will be carried out after they complete five years. 

After tech schools, IIMs to hike fees too 

    Premier B-schools are now hiking their fees, too. If you’re planning to join the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIM-A) based on your excellent CAT 2012 score, be ready to shell out more than you’d budgeted for. With a total fee of Rs 16.6 lakh, the institute, which is ranked highest among all IIMs, leads the fee front. The increase will be applicable for the 2013-15 batch and the total intake will remain the same as last year (385). The fee for PGP students of the 2012-2014 batch of IIM-A for their first academic year was approximately Rs 7.4 lakh. IIM-A, in 2008, announced a nearly six-time increase in fee, from Rs 2 lakh to Rs 11.5 lakh for its flagship two-year PGP course in management. The fee was increased in the next two years to Rs 15.5 lakh for the 2012-14 batch. 
    Next to follow IIM-A is IIM-Raipur. Although it’s a marginal increase, the fee structure here is Rs 9.6 lakh compared to Rs 9 lakh last year (a hike of Rs 60,000). The other IIMs are yet to take a decision on fee hike.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

IIT undergrad fee hiked by 40k

Studying at Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) will be expensive by Rs 40,000 from this academic session. The Council of IITs decided to increase the annual tuition fees for undergraduate students to Rs 90,000 at a meeting 
in IIT-Delhi on Monday. 
    Announcing the decision, the minister for state for HRD, Pallam Raju said that the fee structure will be reviewed annually and that the revised rates will be applicable for the new entrants only and that the fee-waiver schemes for ST/ST and 25% of the students from economically disadvantaged back
ground will continue. 
    At present, the annual fee is Rs 50,000. The last fee revision was done in the 2008-09 academic session when the tuition fee was increased from Rs 25,000 to Rs 50,000. An IIT spends Rs 2.25 lakh per annum per student. Announcing the hike, Raju cited the Anil Kakodkar 
Committee’s recommendation to make IITs financially independent on non-plan (operation) budgetary support to meet their operating expenditure. “We have enhanced the tuition fee to Rs 90,000 per annum from 2013. Revised rate will be applicable to new entrants of UG programmes and fee will be reviewed every year, but if doesn’t mean that it will be hiked every year. Like the IIMs, we want the IITs to be sustainable and fee is one of the ways. Barely 20% of the entire budget comes from fees in IITs,” said Raju. 
    The minister, however, said that no qualified student will be turned away because of financial constraints and “SC, ST students don’t have to pay any hostel or tuition fees. Al
so 25% of the students whose annual household income is Rs 4.5 lakh or less will continue to get 100% scholarships.” 
    Among other decisions taken at the meeting are that IITs will train graduates from National Institutes of Technology (NITs) to teach as they pursue their masters or PhDs at IIT. The IITs also resolved to ramp up their Ph.Ds from 3,000 to 10,000 by 2020. 
    The Council decided to enable top 15% students from NITs for a joint IIT-NIT trainee teacher scheme, whereby the NIT graduates will get teacher training at IITs and simultaneously pursue their master or Ph.D programmes to salvage the shortage of teaching faculty in the country.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Short on faculty, IITs look towards students

 Under-graduate engineering students from technical institutes may be able to teach and earn as they learn at the premier Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). 
    Faced with a severe faculty shortage, IITs have proposed mentoring the top 15% under-graduate students from IITs, National Institutes of Technology (NITs), Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISER) and National Institute of Science Education and Research.     The proposal will be discussed at the IIT council meeting on January 7 to be chaired by human resource development minister M M Pallam Raju. IITs hope this joint program will enhance teacher quality and mitigate faculty shortage.     The selected students could be asked to undergo a trainee teacher program at NITs. “While initially they would assist in teaching they would simultaneously go through part-time post-graduate and doctoral programs so they can acquire higher education qualification that is a prerequisite for teaching at IIT and NITs,’’ sources said. 
    Students taking up teaching programmes is not an unusual feature in many western universities but they are more typically pursuing postgraduate programmes.
    IITs hope to produce wellqualified and skilled teachers and researchers while addressing the faculty needs for under-graduate students. The ministry had set up a committee to suggest solutions to the lack of faculty in all central government-funded institutes and studentteachers is one of the proposals being considered. 
    Students taking up teaching programmes is not an unusual feature in many western universities but they are more typically pursuing postgraduate programmes.    IITs hope to produce wellqualified and skilled teachers and researchers while addressing the faculty needs for under-graduate students. The ministry had set up a committee to suggest solutions to the lack of faculty in all central government-funded institutes and studentteachers is one of the proposals being considered.     According to HRD ministry, IITs suffer from a nearly 33% vacancy while the faculty shortage is about 35% in the NITs. The teacher-student ratio in the seven older IITs is about 1:16 at present, higher than the suggested 1:10. In the eight new IITs, the ratio is about 1:8, in adherence to the international standards. About 1,600 teaching positions are required to offset the faculty shortage in the 15 IITs in the country.